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Issue 11 14th March 2025

Writer: mwalshwolves2mwalshwolves2

Priests:  Fr. Roy Donovan:  087-222 5150. Fr. Patrick Currivan: 061-351248. Fr. Sean Fennelly, 0872501671,        Fr. Eddie Cleary- 086-8142801

Photocopying: Available at the Millennium Centre. One-sided A4: Black/White 30c, Colour 50c. A3: B/W 50c, Colour 80c. You can email your printing to and it will be ready for you on collection.

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK PAGE-Caherconlish Caherline Community Centre Council 

Bookings/Enquiries: Contact Millennium Centre on 061 351141/085 288 5181. Email:   Please send notes for the newsletter before 3pm on Thursday to  https//   


Social Dancing at the Millennium Centre : Saturday  14th March and Sunday 15th March . Music by Chris Dallat Dancing 9 pm Adm €10

Wednesday Club: every Wednesday at 2pm. New members are always welcome. 

Crafty Angels sewing Group Monday  from 10.00 am-12.00 pm.

Parent and Toddler group every Thursday  at 10am -12pm Contact Michelle/Phil 086 888 8105

Pilates4all  Every Monday in the Millennium Centre 6-week block of classes at 7pm. Suitable for all abilities, classes tailored accordingly. Booking essential. Contact Maire 087 252 0550.

Gemstars School of Performing Arts: Every Saturday. Contact by Email or 087 4405177.

Jake Boot Camp: Monday, Wednesday 7-8pm, Saturday 8.30 -9.30am,  €8 per class. All levels of fitness. Booking essential, WHATSAPP Jake on 083 836 2323 or VIA INSTAGRAM @Jake_Carroll9

Slimming World: Every Wednesday Morning  Contact Martina 089 407 9264  

Dance Central: Dance & Acro classes in the Millennium Centre, Mondays, Wednesdays  5.30-6.30pm

Hynan Irish Dancing Classes: Thursday 6-7pm Contact Jason Hynan by email: . 

BONE HEALTH CLASSES: Exercise classes every Wed  at 12 noon (standing) and 1.10pm (chair-based), led by Dr Anne O'Malley,

Chartered Physiotherapist. Focus on bone strengthening, balance. Booking essential, call 087-9227124.

Yoga classes continue on Tuesday  in the Millennium Centre from 11am-12pm. Book online WWW.LIMERICKYOGA.IE

MILLENNIUM Name Plaque:  We are inviting you, your family, your friends, and the wider community to help with our future planning by purchasing; a Name Plaque 6” x 4” (150 x 100 mm) for the sum of €100. You will be registered as a lifetime member of the Millennium Sports and Social Club in return for your support. Your Plaque with your inscription will be displayed prominently in the Millennium Centre and highlighted appropriately. Contact the Millennium Centre for more information.

Job Vacany :  Ballyhoura Rural Services:  CE position as part of  Befriending service. Person wanted to visit homes where there may be illness or loneliness. Person would spend time each week often relieving a family carer. Good English and able to drive necessary.  Candidates must be eligible for community employment scheme. For more information contact Anthony Mc Mahon by email  or  by phone 086-7754202

Bus to Crescent Shopping Centre:  Every Friday at 10:20AM  Returning: Leaving Crescent at 12:45 (2 hours) Travel pass accepted otherwise its 4 euro return  Stopping at the Millennium centre and the bus stop on main street.  Phone Marie O’Connor on a Wednesday to reserve a seat 06922311 and to confirm where you would like to be picked up from

Caherline Handball : Meeting to discuss the future of Caherline Handball Alley , Tuesday 18th March  @ 8pm Venue Caherline old school

CAHERCONLISH TIDY TOWNS will hold its Annual General Meeting on Monday 31st March at 7.30pm in the Millennium Centre. All are welcome. The meeting will last for 1 to 1.5 hours and will cover Chairpersons address, Treasurers Report, election of officers,

proposed projects and any other business. Please join us

Joker Fundraiser: Next Draw Friday 7th March at 10 pm. No Jackpot winner. Jackpot is now €800. The cost of entry is €2. Thank you all for your continued support.  Lucky Dip Winner: Peter and Sean.

“Septic solutions: emptying septic tanks, Drain jetting. Contact Pat Rainsford on 085 8069745  


CAHERLINE GAA: CLUB LOTTO -No jackpot winner - numbers drawn were 17, 23, 24 & 28 - Lucky dip winners were Patricia O'Connell, Oisin Heelan, Kathleen Styles, Breda Mulready and Eddie O'Gorman (Online). Next week’s jackpot will be €6,000 and the draw will be held on Friday night next via Facebook Live. Our lotto tickets can be purchased online, go to or you can buy through the usual outlets in the village. Many thanks for your continued support.

JUNIOR B HURLING LEAGUE: Our Junior B league campaign gets underway away to Na Piarsaigh this coming Sunday, throw-in at noon in Caherdavin - all support welcome. INTERMEDIATE HURLING LEAGUE: The Bons Secours Hospital South East Intermediate Hurling League gets underway for us on Saturday March 22nd away to Knockainey, throw-in at 3pm.

CAHERCONLISH BLOOD DONATION CLINIC: We are calling on the community to support our blood donation clinic at the Caherconlish Community centre on Tuesday 18th March.  New donors are welcome and just one contribution can make a difference.  Appointments can be booked at 1800 222 111. We urge anyone who is able to donate to take this opportunity to help

                                    Parish Notes

FUNERAL MINISTRY - Funeral Ministry Training starts this Wednesday 19th and continues on Wednesdays 26th March & 2nd April in Millennium Centre 7pm to 9.30pm.  Taking part in the training does not commit you to being involved unless you want to.

ANNIVERSARIES: 15th March Saturday 6.30 Caherconlish: Brendan Styles, Mary & Jim Hourigan, High Street

ANNIVERSARIES: 16th March Sunday 10.30am Caherline: Gerry Ryan, Ballybrood. ANNIVERSARIES: 22nd March Saturday 6.30 Caherconlish: Theo Butler, Barrack Close; Marion Ward, Newtown.  ANNIVERSARIES: 23rd March Sunday 10.30am Caherline: Nora & Paddy Kelly, Caherline; Danny Long, Joe & Breda Hourigan, Mt. Minnet.

TROCAIRE BOXES available in the Churches. Every euro helps.

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhuit!  You are welcome to our Feast day Masses -  Vigil Mass 7pm on Sunday 16th Caherconlish  & 10.30am  Monday 17th Caherline.

We know Patrick chiefly from his own writings -   I am Patrick, a sinner....the most unlearned of people...I used to pray many times during the day... Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me.

WEEKDAY EUCHARIST:   Wednesday & Friday 10am in Caherconlish; Thursday 10am in Caherline.

ADORATION HOUR: Tuesday in Caherline 10.30am, Friday in Caherconlish 10.30am. A suggestion for the Jubilee Year to spend one hour or part of an hour in Adoration.

FIRST CONFESSION: Congratulations to the Children who received First Confession. Sincere thanks to their Teachers: Ms. Hynes (Caherconlish) and Ms.  (Caherline) for their wonderful preparation of the Children.

THANKS to the Parishioners who have undertaken to pray for a child every day until their Communion Day.

ONLINE PARISH LOTTO: Jackpot is now €5,000. Draw each Thursday. Lucky dip winner Rose Kennedy.  Thank you for your support.

Caherconlish Church open daily 9am to 6pm. Caherline Church open daily 9am to 5pm. Drop in to say a prayer or light a candle for your loved ones.

POPE FRANCIS - Hospitals Are The Most Beautiful Churches on Earth…Hospital walls have heard more honest prayers than churches. They’ve seen far more sincere kisses than those at airports. It is at the hospital that you see a homophobic being saved by a gay doctor. The wealthy doctor saving the life of a beggar……

Link to LIVE STREAM IN CAHERCONLISH CHURCH-: or from our parish website.

Keep in Touch- PARISH WEBSITE -Caherconlish-Caherline Parish pastoral website: http://www,

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK - Caherconlish Caherline Parish @ccparishpastoral

OPENING THE BIBLE: A free six-part video introduction to the Bible for those interested in Scripture, and those unsure where to begin at  Also look at


A community based 'not for profit' company. Registered number 244904. Registered charity number 20143206.

(C) Caherconlish Caherline CC CLG. Privacy Policy.

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